C.O.A.C.H. Y.O.U.
The Introverted Skeptic's
Guide to Leadership

C.O.A.C.H. Y.O.U.
The Introverted Skeptic's
Guide to Leadership

C.O.A.C.H. Y.O.U.
The Introverted Skeptic's
Guide to Leadership

Embrace the leader you are instead of trying to be who others expect.

Embrace the leader you are instead of trying to be who others expect.

Embrace the leader you are instead of trying to be who others expect.

WHAT c.o.a.c.h. y.o.u. can do for you

Begin Your Path to Personal Growth

Begin Your Path to Personal Growth

This book speaks directly to "Introverted Skeptics," helping them embrace their unique leadership style rather than conforming to others' expectations. It offers insights through the C.O.A.C.H. Y.O.U. framework, promoting conscious action and practical leadership skill development, such as communication and mindfulness. The core message emphasizes believing in one's own leadership abilities to influence and succeed authentically.

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What They Said

Ryan M.

COACH YOU has been a game-changer for my leadership journey! Beki’s insights helped me unlock my potential and lead with confidence. I highly recommended this book for my fellow Introverted Skeptics.



Cindy P.

I’m halfway through and it’s clear this book is very valuable. The author’s writing style is casual which makes it easy to read yet it is filled with practical tips for many leadership challenges. Each chapter addresses one issue and each of those issues is a very common question often addressed in coaching sessions. Now you can coach yourself using the tools and techniques the author shares in each chapter. And, as an added perk, early in the book there is some excellent advice on what to do with feedback. I highly recommend this book.”



Gabrielle H.

I used to work for Beki and can hear her voice as I read the book. Amazing book, quick read and can put into practice immediately.



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